Internship Opportunities

O’Connell & Dempsey is always searching for dedicated, hard-working students who will join usas interns to support our growing efforts and enjoy an enriching Washington experience. Wework hard to give our interns a good taste of the wide range of efforts we are engaged in.Fromhelping staff to support client efforts throughagency research and meeting development, to working with the team in doingresearch on new and emerging markets and issues. We have internsattend Congressional hearings of note and draft summary reports, as well as attend to administrative details. An internship withO’Connell & Dempsey provides you withvaluable experience in addition tohands-on support and mentorship. We value having differentperspectives andare open to new ideas in the water resources and environmental arenas.Wewant you to contribute!

If you are interested in applying for an internship at O’Connell & Dempsey, please send yourcover letter and resume and notifyus of your areas of interest and availability. Explain why youare interested in joining us, and what value you can add to the company. Send your letter andapplication materials to[email protected].We will be happy to review yourapplication and get back to you in a timely manner.