What We Have Done

Our experts bring three decades of high-achieving water resources, environmental and infrastructure expertise to public agencies and others across the country.  We have been involved in some of the most iconic water resources and environmental projects and challenges over the last several decades including, the $3.4 billion Tunnel and Reservoir Project in Chicago protecting over 3 million homeowners and businesses in Chicago from the ravages of flooding, while protecting Chicago’s drinking water source, Lake Michigan; the $400 million Napa River/Napa Creek Flood Protection Project which creates over 900 acres of tidal wetland while protecting Napa from historic flooding; San Antonio’s Mission Reach Project, the natural extension of the River Walk, which restores 8 miles of the San Antonio River channelized by the Corps decades ago now creating a natural waterway connecting the historic Spanish Missions and providing a living river corridor for families in an underserved community; Hamilton Airfield Wetlands Project, which transforms a de-commissioned military airfield with legacy contaminants into a 2,600 acre wetlands providing tremendous habitat and natural area in urban northern California.  In fact, Hamilton is the largest wetland restoration project in the United States to beneficially reuse dredged sediment.

These are just a few of the major water resources and environmental successes we have been involved in over the last number of decades.  Our experts have represented cities, counties, water districts, conservancies, water reclamation districts, ports, flood control districts, urban and rural entities, river authorities non- profit entities, state environmental agencies as well as development districts and state departments of transportation.